Craft a photo-realistic image that showcases the topic 'SMS vs. Social Media' in an urban setting. The atmosphere is warm and casual, reminiscent of the golden hour, with soft sunlight casting a rich, warm spectrum of colors that indicates a late afternoon. The subject of the image, designating both SMS and Social Media, should be off-centre and in focus, achieving a candid mood. The background is blurred yet implies city life, thanks to the bokeh effect. The combination of a subtle vignette technique and slight overexposure gives the image vibrancy and liveliness. Overall, this image visually communicates an everyday modern life scene with emphasis on friendly customer engagement.

SMS vs. Social Media: The Best Choice for Customer Engagement

SMS vs. Social Media: The Best Choice for Customer Engagement If you’re like many small business owners I’ve chatted with, you’re probably wondering where to focus your limited marketing efforts for maximum impact. Specifically, you might be torn between SMS and social media for engaging with your customers. Trust me, I get it. Every channel […]

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