5 Marketing Trends for the Covid-19 Era

What You'll Learn In This Article...

Who would have thought that a global pandemic would rock 2020? Just four short months ago, life was plugging along as usual, and businesses were implementing their 2020 marketing strategy to reach their yearly goals.

But then, all of a sudden, COVID-19 had us hunkered down in our homes, just trying to figure out how to keep business afloat amidst so much uncertainty.

In this article, we’re going to discuss some of the latest, COVID-era-induced marketing trends that deserve your consideration. Hopefully, you’ll find some tips for pivoting your marketing strategy to reach both old and new customers in new ways.

#1 Create Featured Snippets

Even if you’re unfamiliar with the term, “featured snippets,” you’ve undoubtedly encountered them — most likely daily — when you’ve typed a question into Google Search. When I searched, “What is a Featured Snippet?,” I got — you guessed it! — a featured snippet or short “answer box” at the top of my Google search results. Check it out below!

For virtually any question you ask, Google will provide an answer at the top of your results page. So, what do featured snippets have to do with marketing? Well, they have an 8% click-through rate, which means an increase in traffic to your website. If you want your snippets to be featured, simply create content that answers the specific questions that your audience may have. Your goal is to get Google to choose your featured snippet when people ask questions related to your field.

#2 Offer Online Purchases

E-commerce is where it’s at. Why? Because in-store shopping is not (at least for the foreseeable future). That’s why it’s important to give your customers the option to make their purchases online. Getting this hands-off approach up and running might take some work in the beginning, but the benefits are endless. Now you can reach customers right where they are. And when all of this pandemic stuff is behind us, you’ll have two avenues for selling: online and in-store.

#3 Optimize for Mobile

Speaking of online purchases, your customers are searching and buying from their smartphones like never before. So, how can YOU reach people who aren’t leaving the house by who are also glued to their phones? Mobile optimization is key. There has literally never been a better time than now to invest in upgrading to a mobile-friendly website. Your customers need to be able to find your website quickly (whether they’re on their PC or smartphone or tablet), peruse it without confusion or lagging, and purchase without going into a store.

#4 Try Shoppable Social Media

Like we said above, COVID-19 has changed the sales game. People are making the majority of their purchases through online avenues, one of which is social media. That’s why you should consider shoppable social media so you can reach the customers who choose not to venture out of the home to make purchases. Allow in-app purchases so that customers don’t have to leave the app to buy — the more clicks, the higher the likelihood they’ll give up and get back to scrolling.

#5 Get Back to Basics

With all the chaos and uncertainty in the market today, customers are craving the old-fashioned basics from businesses. That’s why many brands are focusing heavily on trust, loyalty, and strong customer service. These foundational concepts make a difference to customers who are unsure of what the future holds. When they feel cared for and valued, they have no need to look elsewhere to spend their money.

The Bottom Line

The marketing game is changing faster than ever before, and we’ve got to change with it or risk being left in the dust. COVID-19 may have done a number on our marketing strategies for 2020, but look at the bright side: all of this chaos forces you and your team to see what you’re really made of. Your creativity and innovation in tough times can propel your business into next level numbers if you approach it with an open mind. We don’t know what’s just around the corner but try to embrace change and roll with the punches when it comes to reaching an even broader customer base.

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